Is your organisation committed to the UN Sustainable Development Goals? Let us help your organisation achieve these goals, with ISO Standards.
ISO Standards & Sustainable Development Goals
SO standards support the three pillars of sustainable development.
ISO international standards promote economic sustainability by facilitating international trade, improving a country’s national quality infrastructure) and supporting sustainable business practices. They cover everything from efficient farming methods to anti-bribery management systems.
ISO international standards promote social sustainability by helping countries and communities to improve the health and well-being of their citizens. They cover all aspects of social welfare, from healthcare systems and related products to social inclusion and accessibility.
ISO international standards pro- mote environmental sustainability by helping businesses and countries manage their environmental impact. They cover such aspects as implementing an environmental management system, measuring and reducing greenhouse gas emissions and energy consumption, and encouraging responsible consumption
ISO contributes to all of the Sustainable Development Goals
Here you can see the number of ISO Standards that apply to each Goal